Friday, 30 January 2015

Indie Rock Artists

For planning, I researched the most popular and greatest indie rock artists to include within my contents page on the band index. Therefore, this will make my contents more successful as by using the most popular artists and bands, this will make the magazine attractive to the audiences as more known names will be included and more readers will want to buy the magazine. The more popular music included, the most buyers as there will be more fans of the artists. This is a typical convention used within music magazines, as they use the most popular artists or bands and the most interesting story lines, as this is attractive to buyers.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Instagram Account

I created an instagram account for my media magazine, which will also be included within the contents page as a contact. The instagram username is @irmmagazine also, the same as the twitter account username which I created. The more contact included will make my magazine more successful as it will attract more audience as it will look more professional and interesting as numerous amount of effort has been used in order to create this indie rock music magazine.

Twitter Account

I created an account for twitter, with a username of @irmmagazine which will be used on my magazine on the contents page as a contact, so the audience can keep up to date with the latest issues and news of music included within my indie rock magazine. This account will make my magazine more successful as it will look more professional.

Arctic Monkeys Contents Page

This is the one of the photographs, I took whilst at Arctic monkeys, which is the most successful one as the mise on scene on the stage is positioned well, for example the lighting, cameras and equipment such as microphones and guitars. This photo is also successful as the logo of Arctic monkeys is in the background and the image is clear and Alex turner is facing the camera, which makes the image more successful and attractive to buyers. This photo will also be useful within my magazine as this is an image which is typically used within the genre of my magazine, photos from concerts and gigs are used on the contents page of indie rock music magazines. The fact that Arctic monkeys are a popular band, will also make the magazine more attractive to buy and interest readers.

Arctic Monkeys (2)

This is another video, taken on my phone of Arctic monkeys performing 'I wana be yours'.

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Arctic Monkeys

This video was recorded my phone, whilst Arctic monkeys was performing at Finsbury park, which I also took pictures which I am going to use for another image on my contents page, as this pictures would look successful and professional on the contents page, as pictures from gigs are typically used within this genre of music magazines.

Friday, 23 January 2015

Photo shoot Equipment

 The model dressed in a black stussy dress with stussy writing on the back and smaller on the front, with a striply black and white top underneath the dress, which is a typically worn by indie rock/pop artists, which are girls. The model was also wearing black leggings and black visible socks with a doc martin look-a-like shoes, which were designed with a patterned. These clothes were successful for the model as this denotes the model is dressed indie and suits the genre of my magazine. The props used were an burgundy ausoutic guitar, which is a typical instrument used by indie artists. The model was postioned against a brick wall and a stone floor, which is successful as this looks relaxed and would go well on the contents page.

Contents Page Picture

I have decided I am going to use the photograph below to use on my contents page of the magazine, as the model is postioned with an eye contact match to the camera, connoting the model or 'artist' is looking at the auidence, making the reader more involved within the magazine and artist, attracting more buyers. This photo I also believe to be successful as the background and pose, with the guitar, follows the conventions of an indie rock music magazine as this is typically used within this genre of magazines.

Photoshoot Of Millie

This is an over all presentation of Millie Sharrat, an a level student also taking media as an a level. These photos are going to be used for my contents page, as she is presented outside against a brick wall and stone floor, typically a indie background used in indie rock music magazine, posing with a guitar.

Twitter Opinions

I was undecided on which of the two pictures to use for either the contents page or the double page spread, as I believed both images were as successful and was pleased with both pictures, therefore unsure on which pictures to use. I tweeted 'I am creating an indie rock magazine and need opinions for which would best suit my double page spread and contents' and recieved sereval replies with various answers. The majority of replies directed me to use the bottom image, on the model on stage for the double page spread and the other image for the contents page. Therefore, I am going to use the image of the model on stage for the double page spread, as the photo looks professional and will attract the auidence when looking through the magazine, as the model is postioned on the right so will be emphaised, when looking through the magazine. The image for the contents page will be successful as it is more relaxed but still professional.


I believe this images would have been more successful if the light was postioned in a different place, rather than postioned at the right of the background. However, the light when postioned in the middle, on the model, the picture did not look as successful and the model was squinting, therefore making the image not as attractive. This concludes why I edited the pictures to look brighter, as the lighting has created a shadow, why makes the image not as successful.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Photo Editing

The photo below was successful as it was more relaxed and positioned within a typical indie rock pose, holding/playing a guitar, sitting down with leg positioned over a leg, showing the shoes and jeans and the model is had made an eye line contact with the camera, as if the 'artist' is making eye contact with the readers, making the magazine more interesting to buy. The clothes were successful also as these clothes as an example are stereotypically worn by indie rock artists. However, this image was not as successful as they were objects such as pipes and a stage in the background and the background was once again not light enough to use. Therefore, I edited this photo on photo shop by using the smudge tool to smudge the background to erase the pipes and bottom of the also. The patch selection tool on photo shop was also used, by selecting and dis-selecting parts of the background, which had no objects, by drawing around them with a line and moving the selected part to the pipes and bottom blue skirting, erasing both the mistakes I did not want included on my image. Also, I adjusted the brightness, making the photograph lighter and whiter and cropped out unwanted parts of the photo, for example the stage and the bottom of the photo, making the image more successful.



Front Cover Editing

The image which I am currently using to create the front cover of my music magazine, however I believed could be possibly more successful. The criticisms of this image was the image was too dark, including the background, which I wished to be white. Also, within the image there was objects in the back of the picture, which I believed when erased would be more of a successful image.

This was the image I was using for my front cover, which I believed needed editing. Therefore, on photo shop, I edited the brightness of the image and cropped out the objects I did not want on the image. As a result, I ended up with the following image, which I am much more content with and will be using for the front cover of my magazine. This image is more successful also, as the background is more lighter/ whiter and the model looks more pale, which is a typical image of indie rock artists.

Front Cover Photo

The photograph below is the photo I personally choose to use for my front cover on my indie rock music magazine, as I believe this was the most successful picture. I believe this picture is the most successful for the front cover as the pose used creates an alternative vibe which relates to the genre of my magazine, which I am creating. This pose is also typically used within indie rock magazines as this makes the artist look 'cool' and interesting. I also believe this image is successful as the clothes used within the photo are the best change of clothes as these clothes are also typically used within indie rock music magazines. as this is how the genre of the music stereotypically dress and the outfit is also interesting, therefore will interest the readers.

Overview Of Photo Shoot

Within this presentation, includes a slide share presentation of the photographs taken for my photo shoot for sami, who is going to be the main artist or storyline for magazine. This presentation enables the photo shoot to be viewed over all of the majority of photographs which I took for media.


On monday from 12:30pm to 2pm I took the photoshoot with the model, which took place within the hall and a room with the white backdrop. The equipment I used was a white background, a spotlight, which was borrowed from the drama studio, guitar and record whilst taking the photographs on a cannon professional camera.

Firsly I took pictures for the front cover against a white background, with the spotlight facing the model. I made the model pose with the record and with a serious pose, as a mid shot, facing the camera, therefore giving the effect of the 'artist' looking at the audience. Firstly, the model was wearing the paisley shirt, black jeans and converse.

Secondly, I took pictures for the double page spread, still against the white background, as the white backdrop was not successful as the height did not match the models height and was too small. The model was still wearing the same clothes. However, sami was positoned on a chair whilst posing with an elertic guitar, playing on the instrument.

Thirdly, I took pictures which would either be used for the double page spread or contents page, which I will question on social media and peers which would look better as an opinion. The model firstly took pictures still in the same clothes then changed clothes into the white tshirt, purple bomber jacket, keeping the same black jeans and black converse. The model was postioned on the stage whilst holding/playing an elertic guitar and posing, for example pointing out towards the crowd, as this a typical postion used within indie rock music magazines.

After this photoshoot and the change of clothes, I dieced to do other pictures with the model wearing the white tshirt, black jeans and positoned with the bomber jacket over the shoulder, whilst the model holding the jacket. I believed this to be a good postion as this a typical indie rock artist to do within a photoshoot and gives out the indie rock effect to the magazine front cover.


Trial Photoshoot Pictures

Below are a various ammount of photographs which I took whilst doing the trial photoshoot. This enabled me to know which postion or pose to place the model in when doing the actual photoshoot, ensuring my serious photoshoot can be to best of ability. I tried numerous poses and postions for the model, for example holding a record, serious pose, pointing to the 'crowd' and even playing the guitar.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Trial Photo Shoot

Before taking the photo shoot on Monday, I decided to do a trial photo shoot to check how to position the model, lighting and backdrop etc. and trial dress the model to assure the model is dressed accordingly and the model suits the genre and the clothes look right. I took this trial photo shoot on Friday 16th of January at around 3pm after school, ensuring the hall was free. This enables me to get the photo shoot right when actually going to take the pictures.
These were the clothes used by the model:

The model, sami, dressed in a paisley patterned shirt, black skinny jeans from topman, high top black converse and changed into a plain white t-shirt with a purple coloured bomber jacket, also from topman.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Planning For Photo Shoot


  • An electric guitar/ An acoustic guitar 
  • A stage
  • A white back drop
  • A microphone stand
  • A microphone 
  • Clothing - Black jeans, white plain top, leather jacket, bomber jacket, converse or vans and another set of clothing e.g. different top or jacket
  • A camera
  • Lights 
  • A record 

Front cover.

For the front cover, I either plan to take pictures of the model holding a record or plaining posing, dependent on which photographs I prefer. The shot will be a mid shot, with engaged eye contact with the audience, as this what all magazine pictures use, as this attracts the audience and creates an interest, as this connects with the buyer. The model will be wearing black jeans, with a plain black top and either a bomber jacket or leather, as this is the stereotypical clothes my chosen genre of, indie rock music, magazine would wear. I plan to take pictures of the model in front of a white back drop, as this will look professional and will be easier to include text around. The location of the white back drop will in a classroom with bright lights and I will use the spotlight to take these pictures.

Contents page.

I plan to have a change of clothes for the model, as this will be more effective and will not be boring, the use of the change of clothes will be used as this puts more effort into creating my magazine, the change of clothes also interests the reader by the outfits. For the contents page, I will be taking pictures of the model on the stage playing the guitar, with spotlights on him, as if the model is playing a concert or performing/ practising. This type of pictures will be effective, as it will be a live picture of the 'artist' and would interest the readers, if they were a fan. I will also have to use the microphone and the microphone stand, as this would be used when an artist is performing. For example, the music magazine 'NME' uses pictures of the artist performing live typically on contents page. The location of the stage is in the hall of the Chislehurst school, which I will be taking the pictures.

Double page spread.

For the double page spread, I plan to take pictures of the model either performing/ holding the guitar or posing with either the microphone stand or guitar, for example kicking the the microphone stand down, as this is typically used in indie rock magazines, as it makes the artist look more 'rock and roll'. The pictures will be taken with the model in front of the white back drop, as this allows me to include the text on the white back ground of the picture. I will use the white back drop as this is typically used in magazines on front covers and double page spread.

Planning With The Model

These are the screenshots of me discussing with the model the time, place and equipment which is needed for the photo shoot, which ensured everything was planned for the photo shoot.