Friday, 21 November 2014

Colour Wheel

The colour wheel was invented by Isaac Newton in 1966. The colour wheel shows which colours are grouped together and which go well together, whether or not they clash. Within a magazine there should be no more than five colours used as they start to contrast with each other and the human brain does not attract to the idea, therefore this would not attract the audience. The idea of the colour wheel will be useful when making as a magazine as this will show me which colours go and sometimes I may want the colours to clash within the magazine.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Double Page Spread Conventions

Basic conventions of a double page spread

  • A large image, this image is usually direct address as the celebrity is looking directly into the camera, which entices the reader and makes the magazine more encouraging to buy.
  • A quote/ pull quote, a quote taken from the interview presented as the headline, or positioned by the picture or even used to break up the text. This gives a shocking grip to the reader, making the buyer want to read the article. 
  • The use of presenting the celebrities name in a bold font, to make it clear the importance and the fact they are a celebrity. 
  • A stand first, which is a brief explanation of who the celebrity featured is, this is useful to readers who are not aware of the celebrity. 
  • Text, this is usually a Ariel font and a size 11 pt. However, sometimes different magazine use different fonts to match the genre of the article. 
  • Drop cap, this is the beginning letter of the article which is presented in a much larger and bolder font, often in a different font or style, indicating the start of the article.
  • The text is usually set into 3 to 4 columns, the text is organized and presented all over the page.
  • The page number and name of the magazine is presented in the same font throughout.
  • The main image relates to the article and artist, the image is used to present the double page spread as a piece of art.
  • Headline of the magazine is always short, attracting the reader.
  • By lines are used in double page spreads as this credits the photographer and the writer.
  • Double page spreads use a informal mode as this is more relaxing for the reader.
  • Colour scheme runs throughout the magazine therefore it does not over power the article. The colour scheme connotes the genre of the magazine, for example red or black is most commonly used in metal or rock magazines, such as NME magazine which uses a red title and colour scheme.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Contents Page Conventions

Basic conventions of contents page

  • There should be one main image relating to the feature.
  • 50% of the page should be images.
  • There should be other 3 to 4 smaller image.
  • The colour theme should run throughout the contents page, the same as the front cover.
  • The small images should have anchored text, usually a quote or description, with a page number directing you to the page this image relates to.
  • The writing is split up to three coloums, each with a clear headline i.e Features, Regulars.
  • Some contents pages have a letter from the editor, subscription information and social networking websites.
  • The date and issue number should be placed at the top of the page.
  • The contents page should use the magazine title or the logo.
  • The word 'contents' should be used at the top of the page as a masthead.

Front Cover Conventions

Basic conventions of a front page

  • A front cover should one main image, a mid shot and the individual or group shot being looking to the camera to interact with the buy, making it more attractive. 
  • There should be a main focus or feature, such as a celebrity. 
  • There should be three main sections to your front cover. The main section with a large image and the main cover line. Second section with the main cover lines and the third with a few smaller cover lines.
  • The front cover needs a masthead, which should be bigger and bolder than the rest of the text on the page.
  • Make sure there is contrast between your colours, if they clash you will not be able to see the writing.
  • The positioning of the masthead is not important. It can be at the very top of the page or a cover line can be written above the masthead.
  • The background of the image you take should be a solid colour. Patterns will make the cover hard to design when it comes to adding text.
  • Photography is more successful and looks better on a front cover rather than illustrations.
  • Magazines are stacked in the shops so that the left third of the magazine is visible. The most attention grabbing cover lines and pictures should be on this part of the magazine so that you attract your audience.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Double Page Spread Criticisms

This magazine double page spread is successful as it is presented as a piece of art and looks like one page, instead of using the two pages separately, the magazine has made use of both the pages to make it look like one. The use of the backdrop is a good idea as this makes the page more attractive and eye catching and the image is good as the artist is looking straight at the camera, making the buyer feel involved making the magazine more attractive. The use of a border is a successful idea as it makes the page more attractive, eye catching and different. The text is presented as orgainised and nicely spaced out which makes the double page spread more successful. The subtitles are used in a different background colour which makes it stand out and look more attractive. I like the idea of using  the pull qoute as the masthead, as this will interest the readers more and stands out to the readers as this is in the largest font. However, I dislike the way the magazine has presented the mise en scene as the grey colour is boring and doesnt contradict the other colours and the use of the colour pink doesnt go with the other colours or the theme. The photo is boring, as it needs to be more excting as they are trying to present the artist as a rock star, therefore he should look more punk or as an example should be holding or smashing up an insturment to interest the readers more and present the artist of more of a rock srar, the magazine has only used one photo, which I will not include in my magazine.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Contents Page Criticisms

This magazine contents page is successful as I like the use of the sections of the contents page, for example news,radar,reviews and so on, as this presents the contents page to be more organised  and more useful for the readers for them to search for the article they are looking for, it also looks more attractive rather than they are all paged in a massive block. I also like the use of the band index, which I will want to use on my magazine contents page, as it looks eye catching on the page and it is useful to the readers. The use of the colour scheme throughout even onto the contents page makes the contents page successful as well and more attractive. However, I dislike the use of an article on the contents page as it does not follow the basic convents of magazine and goes against the conventions, I also dislike this because the picture is more relaxed making the contents page look unprofessional. This contents page is not very successful as it also does not follow the conventions of the magazine as the page is not fifty percent images. Although, I like the use of the subscription advertised in a different colour scheme to stand out as this will attract many buyers. 

Front Cover Criticisms

This magazine front cover is successful as the masthead is prominent and clearly presented as it is shown in large, bold, blocked red font. The image clearly stands out and is attractive as the background is clearly presented in LA as it is a bright blue background and palm trees. The puff line is successful as it used in a yellow circle which would be more eye catching to customers as it goes against the colour theme. The Arctic monkeys are presented as cool and attractive which will entice more customers.  However, I dislike the fact there are hardly any cover lines as the magazine has taken a gamble with putting faith into that readers will buy the magazine as it features the Arctic Monkeys due to them being so famous and not used cover lines. Also, I dislike the title of 'AM' as it covers the bodies of the band and is too spaced and blocked out and contradicts the magazine, as it does not go well with the rest of the magazine, it is pointless to use this and I personally would not use it. 

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Research: Double Page Spread

This magazine double page spread has used both pages therefore it is presented clearly that is it a double page spread. The image is attractive and they are holding guitars clearly stating it is a rock band and a music magazine. However, I dislike the random shapes of blue as they have no use, the magazine double page spread could be better.

Research: Contents Page

I believe this magazine is successful as I like the use of the band index as I believe it is useful and looks eye catching on the page and I like the use of the sections on the contents page. However, I disfavour the arctile used on the contents page as I believe it doesn't follow the basic conventions of a magazine and not enough images are used. 

Research: Front Cover

This magazine front cover is attractive as it follows the colour theme throughout as the black and red contrast each other and is even match to the record and top the artist is wearing. I like this magazine front cover as Alex Turner looks cool and this looks like a music magazine.