Thursday, 5 February 2015

Contents Page Editing

Recently, I have been working on my contents page, I started this first as I believed this to be the most difficult as this has to include various content. I started with creating shapes to put titles such as 'IRM CONTENTS', 'NEWS', 'BAND INDEX' and 'RADAR'. Then continued to start the band index using numerous amount of popular artists and bands which are the genre of indie rock or alternative music. I used text within photo shop for the names in the band index and for the cover stories under the feature articles. Then, I created text on 'da font' website named harabara to create numbers for each page within the magazine. The text I used on da font for the titles of each article was bebas. Secondly, I positioned the different pictures on the magazine, after adding all the text, to each line up together. Today, I have been writing the cover stories under each article, from using inspiration of other indie rock music magazines and used original ideas to include for stories on my contents page.
 For the text I have used effects such as an bevel and emboss and putting and drop shadow on the text, for the writing to be clearer to read and stand out to the audience. In order to position everything correctly and symmetrical, I placed rulers on the page. 

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